Vol. 2 No.3 (2022) is now available!


Dear all,

It is our pleasure to inform you that our new issue (Vol. 2, No. 3) is now available and still open access. 

This issue includes seven full-length articles on a wide range of topics, one commentary, two book reviews, and two artistic works:

“Can I use the toilet?”: Watching Steven Moffat’s Doctor Who (2010-2017) as Posthuman Television by Jonathan Hay

Autonomy, Posthuman Care, and Romantic Human-Android Relationships in Cassandra Rose Clarke’s The Mad Scientist’s Daughter by Monica Sousa

Morphological Fantasies: Posthuman Embodiment in Tian Xiaolei’s Video Art by Xiaoli Yang

Staying with the Trouble with Wilderness: Reworking Nature and Culture in the Plantationocene by Jordan Johnson

Forms of Care in Human–Nature–Technology Environments by Patricia Ciobanu, Oskar Juhlin

“Woman has won”; “(Venus won)”: On Donna Haraway’s Goddess by Maria Theuma

Philosophical Posthumanism and Intentionality by Albert Piacente

A Commentary on Mark Wallace’s When God was a Bird by Andrew Cutler

Buran, S. (Ed.). (2020). Edebiyatta posthümanizm. TPLondon. by Nikoleta Zampaki

Morton, T. & Boyer, D (2021). Hyposubjects: On becoming human. Open Humanities Press. by Nicola Robertson

Diffracted Photography: A Luminous Entanglement by Lorena Bañares

Floating Harmony: cutting-apart-back-together – a constellation of ‘becoming with’ in Horse ‘Henry Rainbow’ & Devoted Rider by Donna Carlyle

We are grateful for our reviewers, who made another excellent issue possible, and we congratulate all the authors who contributed their works to this issue.

Please help us share the news with our audience.


Editorial Team