Gypsies, Coloniality and the Affirmation of Human Rights in Brazil




migration, structural violence, state, power, Guyanese people,


In Brazil, different ethnic and social minorities (Quilombolas, Indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, the elderly) have expressly got recognition in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and other normative instruments as subjects of human rights. This scientific article deals with one such minority: the Gypsies. This article adopts the following problem of research: what is the relationship between colonial policies that aimed at the management of the Gypsy and the construction of the political-legal status of these peoples in Brazil? This research has made use of the following methodological resources: the participant observation of the authors in view of the legislative process of Bill 248/2015; the documentary research on the records of colonial and post-colonial laws that had directed to the management of Gypsies in Brazil; as well as the literature review, which intertwines the studies on the Gypsy question with decolonial theory.


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Author Biography

Phillipe Cupertino Salloum e Silva, Universidade Estadual de Goiás and Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Law Professor at the Universidade Estadual de Goiás (UEG - campus Norte) since 2018.


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How to Cite

Silva, P. C. S. e. (2020). Gypsies, Coloniality and the Affirmation of Human Rights in Brazil. Discrimination, 2(1), 55–80.


