Early Marriage and Education Drop Out in Traditional Roma Communities in Transylvania


  • Christina Velentza Athens Bar Association and Koc University




migration, integration, ECEC, pre-school, childcare


This research attempts to analyze the phenomenon of early marriage in traditional Roma communities in Transylvania, Central Romania, and its impact on the education of Roma children. The methodology of this paper is a reflection of a field work conducted in the region of Transylvania, Romania and mainly the city of Târgu Mureş (Τírgu Mureş) the period February-July 2012, following several meetings and interviews with policy makers, representatives from local authorities, civil society, academics, political parties and representatives of traditional Roma communities and local schools. The organization that hosted me and facilitated me in my fieldwork is the NGO Liga Proeuropa and its President Smaranda Enache and her team. This work is a result of my personal interaction with some of the local communities in the region (Tírgu Mureş, Sighişoara, Alba Iulia, Brasov, Sibiu) as well as the capital Bucharest which I had the opportunity to visit at that period of time. The project was funded by a small European grant (Leonardo da Vinci). The town of Tirgu Mureş is where I was based, since the largest number of traditional Gabor Roma who still apply early marriages can be found there.


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How to Cite

Velentza, C. (2020). Early Marriage and Education Drop Out in Traditional Roma Communities in Transylvania. Discrimination, 2(1), 39–54. https://doi.org/10.33182/jgs.v2i1.614


