Global Security and International Migration: Intolarable Weight of the Other in the Global Village


  • Lale Şeyda Gülsoy



diaspora, transnationalism, Syria, citizenship, intersectional analysis, public space


The aim of this research is to mirror the reflection of Human Trafficking in the Turkish media in the context of "Global Security, International Migration and Otherness". The starting point of the reasons for the increase in human trafficking and the ends of which have survived to the present day is accepted as October 11 terrorist acts due to its shocking effects. For this purpose, the news headlines selected from the newspapers such as Cumhuriyet, Zaman, Radikal, Akşam, Milli Gazete and the period between 2001 and October 2018 were analyzed through discourse analysis. In the conclusion part of the study, the concept of "Peace Journalism" is a new form of discourse has been pointed out. Because Human Trafficking is not just a crime. It is also a major human rights violation. With wars, the new conditions of globalization, ethnic conflicts and poverty, this danger is growing rapidly. However, human traffickers do not receive enough punishment despite the crime they have committed. Even the fate of the victims is not known, news about them can not find as much space as necessary in the media. It’s an indisputable truth that there is a need for legislations in order to protect human trafficking victims all over the world. The media should begin to develop a new language in the news for trafficking victims, immediately. The construction of this new language will lead to new and important results for the protection of victims of trafficking.


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How to Cite

Gülsoy, L. Şeyda (2018) “Global Security and International Migration: Intolarable Weight of the Other in the Global Village”, Border Crossing. London, UK, 8(2SI), pp. 557–570. doi: 10.33182/bc.v8i2SI.618.